A team of British and American scientists has developed an algorithm that can determine a user’s essential character traits based on their Facebook likes. The researchers from Stanford University and the University of Cambridge conducted a study where they asked 86,000 people to fill out a questionnaire to determine their most important character traits. They then used this data to analyze the Facebook likes of the participants and found that the algorithm could accurately determine a user’s character traits with just 100 to 150 likes.

The algorithm is more accurate than friends, family, or even spouses who should know the user’s character well. The researchers previously discovered in 2013 that Facebook likes could reveal a user’s sexual orientation. Youyou Wu, one of the study’s authors from the University of Cambridge, was surprised by the algorithm’s accuracy. The software could be made available to paying customers who could use it to screen job applicants, among other things. However, the software can also reveal which websites a user has visited, which could be a privacy concern for users.

The release of the software could be a disaster for privacy advocates as it could potentially make personal data accessible to everyone, even without the user’s knowledge. The algorithm’s accuracy is impressive, but it raises concerns about the use of personal data and the potential for misuse. The researchers’ findings highlight the need for greater transparency and control over personal data on social media platforms.

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