A new anti-cancer pill called AOH1996 has been given to its first patient, with promising results reported by researchers at the City of Hope, one of the largest cancer research centers in the United States. The medication targets a specific protein (PCNA) that plays a crucial role in cell repair and replication. The use of the drug has been found to stop the growth of human cancer cells and prevent metastasis, without any toxic effects on healthy cells. The medication could be effective in treating breast, ovarian, skin, lung, and prostate cancer.

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, with approximately 20,000 people dying from the disease every day. In Europe, statistically, one in three people will develop cancer in their lifetime, with around 395,000 people in Germany alone diagnosed with the disease each year. The need for an effective treatment method against this deadly disease is crucial. The researchers at City of Hope have taken an important step in this direction with the development of AOH1996.

Professor Linda Malkas, the research leader for this project, explains the medication’s effect in simple terms, comparing cancer to water filling up a bathtub. Without control, the tumors or water will eventually overflow and damage other parts of the house. The treatment developed by her team is like a vigilant homeowner who turns off the water, stops the spread of tumors to other parts of the house, and then drains the tub to eliminate the cancer.

While the medication has shown promising results in its first clinical trial, the researchers emphasize that there is still a long way to go before it is approved for use. They hope that AOH1996 will be approved as an inhibitor in the United States and can be combined with other therapies such as chemotherapy to help a large group of patients living with one of these cancers. The researchers expect further positive results in the phase study by 2024, but until then, they stress that there is still a long road ahead before the medication is approved for use in Europe.

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