A groundbreaking image captures the cosmic spectacle of a massive black hole, shrouded in darkness so profound that even light succumbs. This historic photograph unveils an unprecedented glimpse into the cosmos, showcasing a dark circle encircled by light in the Virgo constellation.

For the first time in human history, astronomers have unveiled an image of a cosmic entity known as a black hole—a gravitational void so immense that light itself cannot escape its clutches. Maria Zuber, Vice President of Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), exclaims, “…these remarkable new images of black holes prove that Einstein was right again.” According to Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity, a black hole’s gravitational pull is so intense that it creates an event horizon, a boundary impassable even by light. Although inherently invisible, some black holes are surrounded by a luminous halo of gas and matter. The published photo reveals the “shadow” or contour predicted by Einstein’s formula.

This cosmic “monster” resides a staggering 55 million light-years from Earth at the centre of the Messier 87 galaxy. The captivating image was captured by the “Event Horizon Telescope,” a global network of telescopes. A consortium of over 200 scientists will continue their observations, deepening our understanding of these enigmatic celestial phenomena.

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