The flu season of 2021/2022 could extend into the summer due to reduced measures against Covid-19. Lockdowns, masks, and social distancing as a norm prevented the usual flu wave in the winter of 2020/2021. However, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has issued a warning that the European Union (EU) is facing a strong flu wave. The experts at the EU disease control agency have observed flu viruses circulating faster than expected in Europe for several weeks. The main reason for this is the reduced measures against Covid-19 in many member states. Additionally, some known flu variants have become extinct during the Covid-19 pandemic, leading to the emergence of new virus lines that differ significantly from each other.

In the last week of December 2021, there were 43 flu patients in intensive care units of hospitals in the EU, compared to only one patient in December 2020. During the severe flu season of 2018, up to 400 intensive care patients were treated for influenza simultaneously. Despite the current situation, ECDC influenza expert Pasi Penttinen warned that the return of the virus could lead to an unusually long flu season that may not end until summer 2022. The report also states that a twin epidemic of influenza and Covid-19 could put already overloaded healthcare systems under excessive pressure in many countries.

The reduced measures against Covid-19 have led to the resurgence of flu viruses in Europe, and the situation in hospitals is far from relaxed. The emergence of new virus lines that differ significantly from each other could also mean that current flu vaccines may not provide the usual protection against influenza viruses. The ECDC has warned that the twin epidemic of influenza and Covid-19 could put a significant strain on healthcare systems in many countries. Therefore, it is crucial to continue following measures against Covid-19 and get vaccinated against the flu to prevent the spread of both viruses.

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