Heart disease is the leading cause of death in Germany, accounting for 40% of all deaths, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). While it was previously believed that heart disease was primarily caused by obesity and lack of exercise, researchers at McMaster University in Canada have discovered that a deficiency in six specific foods can significantly increase the risk of heart disease. The study, published in the European Heart Journal, found that a healthy diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, fish, and full-fat dairy products can reduce the risk of heart disease. The researchers also found that there are different ways to achieve a healthy diet, such as moderate consumption of whole grains or unprocessed meat.

The researchers developed a new nutrition score based on the global Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological (PURE) study, which includes countries with high, middle, and low incomes and only includes natural foods. According to Salim Yusuf, the PURE nutrition score provides a global perspective, while most previous studies have focused primarily on dietary habits in Western countries. The study focuses exclusively on health-promoting foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes, and emphasizes moderation in the consumption of natural foods. According to the PURE nutrition score, people should consume two to three servings of fruit, two to three servings of vegetables, one serving of nuts, and two servings of dairy products daily. They should also consume three to four servings of legumes and two to three servings of fish weekly. Possible alternatives include one serving of whole grains and one serving of unprocessed red meat or poultry daily.

Andrew Mente, one of the researchers, explained that the study’s focus on health-promoting foods sets it apart from other nutrition scores. He also emphasized the importance of moderation in the consumption of natural foods. The study’s findings suggest that a healthy diet can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease, which is a major cause of death in Germany. By incorporating fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, fish, and full-fat dairy products into their diets, people can take steps to protect their heart health.

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