A new study conducted by the Hochschule Fresenius in Hamburg has revealed that waiters and waitresses can receive higher tips if they offer their customers a complimentary drink with the bill. The study found that customers are more likely to be influenced by the additional services provided by the restaurant, particularly if they are offered a free drink. Typically, guests give between five to ten percent of their bill as a tip. Researchers Rui Yao and Keith Leung recorded 300 guests on video and analyzed their tipping behavior and incentive effects. They discovered that every kind gesture builds pressure on the recipient to reciprocate, a phenomenon known as reciprocity in sociology.

In total, 403 groups of guests were offered a complimentary drink in a Greek restaurant, either during the meal, with the bill, or after payment in a control group. As most Greek restaurants offer a free Ouzo, the research team conducted another experiment in a German restaurant with a similar design. The analysis of the observations showed that customers who were offered a free alcoholic drink with the bill felt more obliged to give a higher tip. The researchers published their findings in the prestigious Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, stating that “this effect was particularly strong when the drink was brought at the end of the meal, as guests likely felt more obligated to reciprocate with a higher tip.”

According to Frederic Hilkenmeier, the psychologist who led the study, service staff can significantly increase their tips by using this simple trick, which cleverly utilizes reciprocity. By offering a complimentary drink with the bill, waiters and waitresses can make their customers feel more obliged to give a higher tip. This study provides valuable insights for the hospitality industry, highlighting the importance of providing excellent service and going the extra mile to make customers feel appreciated.

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