Revolutionary Screw Compressors: The Future of Energy Conversion

Screw compressors are widely used for generating compressed air or process gases at a low cost. However, scientists and engineers are now attempting to reverse the compression principle to create an efficient motor that can convert energy into electricity. According to Professor Knut Kauder, an expert in screw machines at the University of Dortmund, screw motors will play a significant role in decentralized energy supply in the future. He believes that screw machines will be used in block heating power plants, waste heat utilization, waste and residue utilization, landfill gas utilization, thermal solar power plants, and biomass power plants.

Kauder emphasizes the need for amortization periods of less than three years for the new screw compressors. He suggests that uniform screw motor systems or modular construction kits, such as those produced by the Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH, will be particularly suitable for this purpose. A new type of screw motor that operates without an evaporator is currently being developed. This motor vaporizes the pressure water only in the tooth gap space, making it possible to convert waste heat streams into shaft work with high exergetic efficiency.

Another exciting motor concept currently being developed for industrial applications is the Gasscrew, a hot gas screw machine with a similar drive to gas turbines but with improved thermodynamic properties. The turbo compressor is replaced by an internally cooled screw compressor, and the turbine is replaced by a screw motor with an oxidized ceramic rotor coating. Researchers are also working on new screw compressors that can be used as superchargers for internal combustion engines with or without auxiliary fluids.

Despite the potential of these new technologies, the high production costs of screw machines are currently hindering their widespread adoption, particularly in the automotive industry. However, Kauder believes that the automotive industry will play a crucial role in driving down costs and promoting the mass production of screw machines.

In conclusion, screw compressors are no longer limited to generating compressed air or process gases. They have the potential to revolutionize energy conversion and play a significant role in decentralized energy supply in the future. With ongoing research and development, screw machines will continue to evolve and become more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly.

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