The German Professional Association of Pediatricians is calling for the introduction of a general Covid-19 vaccination mandate in Germany. Despite the potential violation of bodily integrity, the scientists argue that this is acceptable given the current situation. In Germany, a slim majority (53%) of the population, according to the RTL/ntv trend barometer, is in favor of a general vaccination mandate to protect against Covid-19. Now, the Professional Association of Pediatricians (BVKJ), the representative body of pediatricians in Germany, is also calling for the immediate introduction of a vaccination mandate for adults so that children are not the victims of vaccine refusers.

“Children and adolescents have made the greatest sacrifices since the beginning of the pandemic, even though they occupy fewer intensive care beds and often do not even need medical care if they become infected with the coronavirus. Under the lockdown measures, they have suffered more than other population groups. Many have developed psychosocial disorders, obesity, gambling addiction, and learning deficits,” explains BVKJ President Dr. Thomas Fischbach. While a vaccination mandate would formally restrict the right to bodily integrity, Fischbach argues that this is acceptable because otherwise, the basic rights of other people would be restricted. “Children’s rights must not be weighed against the rights of a minority of citizens, but must be guaranteed by the state without exception,” the resolution states. “Especially our children deserve a return to normalcy due to the immense restrictions imposed on them during the pandemic,” says Fischbach.

In Germany, around 15 million people have not yet been vaccinated against Covid-19. This refusal means up to 15 million more infections and an increase in deaths to well over 100,000 in the coming months. According to the doctors, this alone is sufficient reason for the state to introduce a vaccination mandate.

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