The ongoing war in Ukraine has had a significant impact on energy consumption in German households. According to a survey conducted by Bitkom e.V., since the beginning of the conflict, many households in Germany have been trying to save energy. The survey involved 1,003 telephone interviews, and participants were asked about their energy consumption habits. Nearly half of the respondents (48%) reported being more conscious of their energy usage, such as reducing their heating and electricity consumption or switching to eco-friendly energy tariffs. However, 47% of households reported no change in their energy consumption since the start of the war.

The survey also revealed that 16% of households have significantly reduced their energy consumption, while 32% have made some effort to do so. “The war in Ukraine has motivated many people to save energy,” said Matthias Hartmann, a member of the Bitkom executive board. More than half (59%) of households that want to reduce their energy consumption ensure that electrical devices are completely turned off and not in standby mode. Additionally, many households (42%) use energy-saving features on devices such as screens and computers. Some households (22%) also reduce the brightness of their screens to lower their energy consumption.

Hartmann emphasized that even small measures that do not compromise daily comfort can make a significant contribution to protecting the climate and reducing dependence on Russian energy imports. Furthermore, 90% of Germans believe that the country should become independent from imported gas from Russia as soon as possible. As a result, almost three-quarters (74%) of Germans view the energy transition as too slow. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has prompted many Germans to rethink their energy consumption habits and take steps towards a more sustainable future.

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