The majority of Germans are in favor of a temporary speed limit on highways due to the energy crisis. However, opinions vary depending on the location. The ACE Auto Club Europa e. V. recently called for a general speed limit of 100 km/h on highways in Germany to reduce fuel consumption. A survey conducted by the market and opinion research institute YouGov showed that the majority of the general population supports a blanket speed limit on highways in light of higher gasoline and diesel prices and the looming energy shortage. The opinion research institute Civey has now examined the population’s opinion on a temporary speed limit on highways for SPIEGEL. From July 21 to 25, 2022, 5,002 people participated in the survey. The statistical inaccuracy of the survey is 2.5 percent.

Over half of the survey participants (55%) answered “yes” to the question, “Should the federal government introduce a temporary speed limit on highways immediately due to the energy crisis?” 39 percent are against a temporary speed limit on highways, and the remaining six percent are undecided. The survey also shows that the approval or rejection of a speed limit depends on population density. In areas with very high population density, a majority (64%) of people are in favor of a temporary speed limit on highways, while in areas with very few residents, less than half (46%) are in favor. The Ampel coalition is currently discussing such a temporary speed limit in light of significantly higher energy prices. The Greens are in favor, while the FDP is against it. Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) also opposes the introduction of a speed limit, citing the coalition agreement.

The energy crisis has prompted discussions about reducing fuel consumption, and a temporary speed limit on highways is one of the proposed solutions. While the majority of Germans support the idea, opinions vary depending on the location. The government is currently divided on the issue, with the Greens in favor and the FDP against it. Chancellor Scholz is also against the introduction of a speed limit, citing the coalition agreement. As the energy crisis continues to unfold, it remains to be seen whether a temporary speed limit on highways will be implemented.

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