The majority of people in Germany see digitalization as an opportunity, according to a study by Bitkom e.V. However, more than half of the population fears a division caused by technological progress. The study found that 87% of Germans view digitalization as a chance, including 71% of seniors over the age of 75. Additionally, 88% of Germans have a positive attitude towards new digital technologies, and 89% cannot imagine their lives without them. The most common reason for this is that digitalization makes life easier, according to 80% of survey participants.

Despite the positive outlook, 58% of Germans believe that not everyone will benefit equally from digitalization, leading to a division in the country. This concern was present in 65% of participants in the previous year’s survey. The study also examined the pace of digitalization, with 57% of respondents believing it is too slow, 23% considering it appropriate, and 18% believing it is too fast. Among those over 75 years old, 36% believe digitalization is progressing too quickly.

To strengthen digital competence, 83% of survey participants want digital media and information skills to be promoted throughout the education system. Additionally, 57% call for free training and further education opportunities, and 71% want barrier-free digital offerings with explanations in simple language and easier operation. Bitkom President Achim Berg acknowledges the challenge of ensuring everyone can keep up with digitalization, stating that “we need to focus on imparting digital and media competence from childhood to old age.”

In conclusion, while most Germans view digitalization as an opportunity, concerns about a division caused by technological progress persist. The study highlights the need for promoting digital competence throughout the education system and providing free training and further education opportunities to ensure everyone can participate in the digital world.

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