A recent study by mobile.de has found that a slim majority of Germans (42.8%) are in favor of a ban on cars with combustion engines, while almost an equal number (42.3%) are against such a ban, and the rest (14.9%) are undecided or do not disclose their opinion in the survey. The highest level of support (51.5%) for a ban is found among people aged 18 to 34, while the lowest level of support is among those aged 45 to 54.

When considering only survey participants who are car drivers themselves, the percentage of people against a ban on cars with combustion engines (48.2%) is higher than those in favor of such a ban (41%). Currently, most cars in Germany (75.9%) are powered by diesel or gasoline. However, among survey participants who own such vehicles, the percentage of people against a ban is even higher (49.3%).

The study also reveals that there is disagreement over the timing of the introduction of such a ban. Among car drivers, more than a quarter (26.9%) are in favor of a ban no later than 2025, while one-third (30.3%) are in favor of a ban no later than 2030. Those who are against a ban on cars with combustion engines often believe that electric cars or innovations such as synthetic fuels (e-fuels) will automatically prevail without the need for legislation. However, a third (30.5%) of survey participants who are against a ban on combustion engines are in favor of government measures such as higher fees, such as a city toll for combustion engines, and ban zones that could make cars with modern propulsion technologies more attractive.

Despite the majority of survey participants expressing support for a ban on combustion engines, more than half (55.9%) stated that they would prefer a combustion engine car with e-fuel over an electric car if the environmental impact of both vehicles were identical. Only one in five car drivers (20.4%) would prefer an electric car over a car with e-fuel propulsion with identical CO2 emissions.

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