Mercedes Struggles to Certify Drive Pilot for 130 km/h Autonomous Driving in Germany

Mercedes is facing challenges in certifying its Drive Pilot system for autonomous driving at speeds of up to 130 km/h in Germany. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) approved an increase in the speed limit for autonomous driving to 130 km/h in the summer of 2022, which has been adopted by over 50 countries, including the European Union (EU) member states. While theoretically, autonomous vehicles can now drive at speeds of up to 130 km/h in Germany since January 1, 2023, the speed limit is still at 60 km/h in practice. This is because the regulations and certifications have not yet been adapted to the road traffic regulations and certified by the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA).

Moreover, only two models in Germany currently possess the required Level 3 automation for autonomous driving on highways, namely the S-Class and the EQS electric car from Mercedes, in combination with the optional Drive Pilot system. According to Automobilwoche, Mercedes has not yet set a timeline for certifying and approving the Drive Pilot for the new maximum speed of 130 km/h. The automaker is currently focusing on developing the necessary parameters and plans to gradually adapt the Drive Pilot from 60 km/h to 130 km/h.

The Drive Pilot system allows drivers to take their hands off the steering wheel while the car autonomously maintains the required safety distance and corrects the lane. However, there are still instances where the driver needs to take control due to partial overloading. Mercedes’ struggle to certify the Drive Pilot for 130 km/h autonomous driving in Germany highlights the challenges that automakers face in adapting to new regulations and technologies.

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