Germany Leads in Hydrogen Patents in the European Union

Germany is leading in the registration of hydrogen patents in the European Union (EU), according to a study by the European Patent Office (EPA) and the International Energy Agency (IEA). The study examined which countries have registered the most patents on hydrogen technologies, including production, storage, distribution, and end-use applications. The EU accounts for more than a quarter of hydrogen patents (28%), with Germany leading the way. In the past decade, both the EU and Japan have shown strong patent registration activity, with Japan registering the most patents globally (24%).

The United States is responsible for 20% of relevant global hydrogen patents, but their international patent activity has significantly decreased in the last decade. South Korea (7%) and China (4%) have shown a slight upward trend in international patent activity, but their levels are still low. France (6%) and the Netherlands (3%) follow Germany in patent registration within the EU. The study found that most patents in the study period were related to hydrogen production techniques, with a majority of hydrogen still being produced from fossil fuels. However, research is being conducted to find low-emission methods of producing hydrogen using renewable energy sources.

In 2022, 80% of registered patents in the field of hydrogen production were focused on improving climate protection. The study highlights the importance of hydrogen technology in the transition to a low-carbon economy and the need for continued research and development in this field.

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