The average size of erect penises has been increasing globally, according to a metastudy conducted by researchers at Stanford University. The study, led by urologist Michael Eisenberg, found that the average penis length has grown by 24% over the past 30 years. The research analyzed data from 75 studies published over the past 80 years, which included measurements of 55,761 penises. The study found that the average erect penis length increased significantly in several regions of the world and across all age groups. The average erect penis length was 13.12 centimeters between 1990 and 1999, and 14.55 centimeters between 2010 and 2021.

The study also found that the average stretched penis length decreased from 14.52 centimeters between 1940 and 1979 to 12.83 centimeters between 2010 and 2021. The increase in penis size could be due to several factors, including environmental hormone-disrupting substances, diet, sedentary lifestyles, and increasing obesity rates. The study did not identify a clear reason for the increase in penis size, but the authors suggest that lifestyle factors and exposure to hormone-disrupting substances may play a role.

The study’s findings are concerning, according to Eisenberg, who stated that “any general change in development is worrisome. If we see such a rapid change, it means that something significant is happening to our bodies.” The study’s authors suggest that further research is needed to understand the reasons behind the increase in penis size. The study’s publication in the World Journal of Men’s Health highlights the importance of monitoring changes in human development and the potential impact of environmental factors on human health.

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