Google Health’s software, DeepMind, is set to aid in the early detection of breast cancer. In a recent study, the accuracy of the Google AI surpassed that of leading radiologists. Breast cancer affects over two million women annually, with approximately 600,000 deaths attributed to the disease each year. Google has joined the fight against cancer, achieving a significant milestone in the detection of cancer cells two years ago. The current study focuses solely on AI-assisted early detection of breast cancer. The results of the study are impressive, with the artificial intelligence detecting cancer with greater accuracy than leading radiologists, as reported in the journal Nature.

Mammography is typically used to diagnose breast cancer, with radiologists detecting approximately 80% of existing tumors. The remaining 20% are overlooked for various reasons. Tests using Google’s DeepMind have shown that it can accurately detect previously overlooked tumors. AI-assisted diagnosis could help reduce false-negative results, enabling early treatment of cancer. Comparative tests have shown that DeepMind has enabled 9.4% more positive diagnoses in the US and 2.7% in the UK. The number of false-positive diagnoses has also decreased, with a reduction of 5.7% in the US and 1.2% in the UK.

Experts believe that computer programs such as Google’s DeepMind will revolutionize medicine. While they may never replace doctors, physicians can rely on the software’s highly reliable diagnoses. In the future, diseases can be diagnosed at an early stage that humans could never have detected. The potential for AI-assisted diagnosis is enormous, and it could help save countless lives.

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