A new study has found that individuals with chronic gum disease, also known as periodontitis, are at a higher risk of developing severe COVID-19 symptoms. The study, conducted by scientists at the Hamad Medical Corporation, found that individuals with periodontitis were 3.5 times more likely to require intensive care and 4.5 times more likely to require ventilation. Furthermore, the mortality rate for individuals with periodontitis was nine times higher than those without the condition.

While most individuals with COVID-19 experience mild symptoms, approximately 20% of patients experience severe symptoms. Risk factors for severe symptoms include high blood pressure, obesity, and smoking. The study found that periodontitis is also a risk factor for severe COVID-19 symptoms. Approximately half of all adults worldwide suffer from periodontitis, which is caused by bacteria and can lead to tooth loss. The condition is also known to promote other diseases, including cancer, through its messenger molecules.

The study analyzed the health data of 568 COVID-19 patients treated in hospitals in Qatar between February and July 2020. Of these patients, 258 were also suffering from periodontitis. The analysis found that COVID-19 patients with periodontitis were significantly more likely to require intensive care, ventilation, and had a higher mortality rate. The study suggests that the messenger molecules released by periodontitis may cause an overreaction of the immune system, leading to a cytokine storm.

The study did not investigate the specific processes by which periodontitis affects COVID-19 symptoms. However, the researchers suggest that periodontitis bacteria may directly affect the ACE2 receptors of cells, which are the docking sites for the virus. The researchers also recommend that doctors disinfect the oral cavity of COVID-19 patients with periodontitis before ventilation to prevent secondary lung infections caused by periodontitis bacteria.

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