A new study published in The Journal of Physiology by scientists at NASA Ames Research Center has found that the current legal blood alcohol limit for driving is too high. In Germany, the limit is set at 0.5, with sanctions possible from 0.3 if a driver is exhibiting dangerous behavior. However, the study shows that even a small amount of alcohol can cause problems with hand-eye coordination and vision. The study involved 16 participants between the ages of 20 and 30 who consumed alcohol at a rate of two drinks per week. During the experiment, they were given drinks with varying amounts of alcohol, and their blood alcohol levels ranged from 0.2 to 0.6. The results showed that the hand-eye coordination of the participants was much more sensitive to alcohol than previously thought.

The study found that even a blood alcohol level of 0.15, which can be achieved with just half a beer for a person weighing 165 pounds, can cause a 20% decrease in reaction time and vision impairment. This suggests that the current legal limit for driving is too high and that even a small amount of alcohol can have a significant impact on a driver’s ability to operate a vehicle safely. The findings of this study have important implications for road safety and suggest that the legal limit for driving should be lowered to better reflect the risks associated with alcohol consumption.

In conclusion, the study conducted by NASA Ames Research Center has shown that the current legal limit for blood alcohol levels while driving is too high. The study found that even a small amount of alcohol can cause problems with hand-eye coordination and vision, which can significantly impair a driver’s ability to operate a vehicle safely. The findings of this study suggest that the legal limit for driving should be lowered to better reflect the risks associated with alcohol consumption and improve road safety.

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