Austrian scientists have conducted a metastudy of 167 research papers to determine whether mobile phone radiation affects human health. The study was carried out by the Scientific Advisory Board for Radio (WBF), which is part of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism (BMLRT). The researchers concluded that there is no danger to human health from mobile phone radiation. High-frequency electromagnetic radiation used in mobile phones does not negatively affect the brain, nervous system, cancer risk, or male fertility, according to the current state of research. The new 5G mobile phone standard is particularly controversial, and is being extensively researched. However, the studies so far have not shown that the radiation limits have been exceeded.

Georg Neubauer, an expert in dosimetry at the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), said that the exposure to radiation from the latest generation of technologies was well below the limit, and this also applied to 5G base stations. The metastudy also found that the risk of cancer is not increased by 5G or older mobile phone standards. A new meta-analysis of 46 case-control studies found that there is no increased risk of tumors. The study also found that the radiation from mobile phones does not affect male fertility. A study in the US that followed 3,100 participants over eight years found no negative effects on male fertility from carrying a mobile phone in the front pocket.

The WBF’s metastudy confirms the findings of a similar study conducted last year, which concluded that there is no health risk to humans from mobile phone radiation. The study’s authors emphasized that the latest research shows that the radiation limits are being adhered to, and that there is no reason for concern.

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