The German Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KV) has called for cost-sharing for unvaccinated individuals receiving hospital treatment, a nationwide lockdown for the unvaccinated, and a general vaccination mandate. As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, infection rates in Germany have surged in recent weeks. While the federal government covers some of the costs of hospital treatment, it still places a significant burden on health insurance finances. The treatment of patients in intensive care units, who are largely unvaccinated, is particularly expensive. Therefore, the KV Berlin has demanded that unvaccinated individuals share the costs of hospital treatment. Additionally, the KV has called for a general vaccination mandate and a nationwide lockdown for the unvaccinated.

According to the KV, “the high proportion of people who are not yet vaccinated will otherwise lead us into a catastrophe and overload our healthcare system to an extent that we have not yet experienced. A vaccination mandate alone will not get us any further here.” The KV’s statement also notes that “because 13 million people in our country do not want to be vaccinated, children, adolescents, young people in training, but also older and vulnerable people suffer. This cannot continue. The time for a vaccination mandate has come. However, it should not only be on paper, but also have tangible consequences for non-compliance.” The KV suggests either a direct cost-sharing for potential treatments or a flat-rate surcharge on health insurance contributions for the unvaccinated. The KV believes that “the revenue could benefit nursing staff in the inpatient sector and medical assistants in outpatient care.”

Meanwhile, the federal government has responded to the financial strain on many health insurance companies by doubling the billions of euros in subsidies for statutory health insurance. The subsidies will amount to €14 billion in 2022, in addition to the €14.5 billion previously paid out. The goal is to prevent a further increase in health insurance premiums. The KV’s proposals have sparked debate in Germany, with some supporting the measures as necessary to control the pandemic, while others argue that they infringe on individual rights and freedoms.

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