In the coming years, renewable energy will play a significant role in the world’s energy production. However, the production of wind and solar energy is not always consistent, and energy storage systems are needed to ensure a steady supply of electricity. Scientists at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) have developed an innovative storage technology that uses the power of gravity. The Lift Energy Storage Technology (LEST) can turn elevators in high-rise buildings into massive energy storage units.

The LEST system works by using elevators to transport heavy weights up and down the building. When there is excess renewable energy, the elevators can transport the weights to the top of the building. When energy is needed, the weights can be lowered, generating electricity through the same principle used in hydroelectric power plants. The concept of gravity storage has gained attention in the scientific community and among start-ups. The practical implementation of the LEST system is feasible, as there are over 18 million elevators worldwide that could be used for energy storage.

However, there are some challenges to overcome. The weights used in the system would need to be stored in hallways or rooms, and robots would be needed to move them into the elevators during usage times. Additionally, the weight of the system could be too heavy for some high-rise buildings, making it difficult to implement. Despite these challenges, the LEST system has the potential to revolutionize energy storage and provide a sustainable solution for the world’s energy needs.

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