The internet, data centers, and personal computers are collectively responsible for more CO2 emissions than the global aviation industry. Shockingly, the carbon footprint of the IT industry could increase even further in the future. Greenpeace recently called for a progressive tax on frequent flyers to combat climate change, but scientists at Lancaster University have discovered that the internet, company data centers, and personal computers have an equally significant impact on the environment. Until now, the scientific community had not fully explored these effects. The researchers not only considered the amount of CO2 emitted during the production of electricity required for operation, but also the carbon emissions from the extraction of raw materials, the production of hardware, and the disposal of equipment at the end of its life cycle. According to their publication in the journal Patterns, the internet and computers are responsible for 1.8 to 2.8 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Adjusted for supply chain paths, the percentage increases to 2.1 to 3.9 percent. This means that the internet and servers, as well as personal computers, are more harmful to the climate than the aviation industry, which accounted for 3.01 percent of global CO2 emissions in 2018.

The authors of the study warn that the carbon footprint of the IT industry could continue to grow in the future due to the lack of commitments from the industry to reduce emissions and the inadequate mechanisms of policymakers to enforce climate goals. Without significant industrial and individual efforts, the IT industry is likely to have an even greater share of CO2 emissions in the coming years. “Looking to the future, we are concerned that this growth in emissions will continue at a time when emissions must be reduced. All analyses examined in this report agree that the ICT sector is not on track to reduce emissions in line with the recommendations of climate science unless the industry or lawmakers take additional measures to ensure this,” the authors of the study said.

It is clear that the IT industry must take immediate action to reduce its carbon footprint. The industry must commit to more sustainable practices and invest in renewable energy sources to power data centers and personal computers. Policymakers must also take a more active role in enforcing climate goals and implementing regulations to reduce emissions. The future of our planet depends on the collective efforts of individuals, industries, and governments to combat climate change.

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