A group of 80 respected atmospheric scientists have discredited the theory that thick condensation trails, known as “chemtrails,” are the result of intentional chemical releases. The conspiracy theory suggests that international corporations and governments have been secretly releasing chemicals into the air for decades. However, the University of California’s research team, led by Steven J. Davis, has found no evidence to support this theory. The team presented four photos of suspicious condensation trails to 77 international experts, who unanimously agreed that the trails could be explained by other causes. The scientists also analyzed snow, air filters, and pond water, which were found to be comparable to normal pollution levels caused by industrial emissions.

Despite previous attempts to debunk the chemtrail theory by organizations such as the German Aerospace Center and Greenpeace, nearly 17% of people still believe in it. The University of California’s research team aimed to examine the evidence presented by chemtrail supporters and determine its validity. The team focused on scientific facts and asked experts to explain the phenomena shown in the photos. The scientists found that the condensation trails could be explained by other causes, such as more powerful jet engines and climate change.

Although the scientists acknowledged that the number and intensity of condensation trails have increased, they found no evidence to support the chemtrail theory. The team’s co-author, Ken Caldeira, emphasized the importance of presenting scientific evidence to counter conspiracy theories. The research team’s findings should encourage chemtrail supporters to reconsider their beliefs and accept that their evidence is not valid.

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