A Tasmanian Tiger, believed to be extinct since the 1930s, may have been spotted in the wild. The Tasmanian Tiger, also known as the Thylacine, was once widespread in Australia but was driven to near extinction by wild dogs and hunters. The last known Tasmanian Tiger died in captivity in 1936. However, there have been numerous reports of sightings by eyewitnesses over the years, and recently, these reports have increased.

Peter Groves, a farmer from Clifton Springs in Victoria, Australia, claims to have taken a photo of a live Tasmanian Tiger on January 4, 2018. The photo shows an animal in dense undergrowth, and many experts believe it could be a Tasmanian Tiger. While it is possible that the animal is a sick or malnourished fox, it is much larger than a typical fox. Groves has reported seeing a similar animal in the past but was unable to take a photo.

The Tasmanian Tiger is a subject of interest for cryptozoologists, who study animals that are believed to be extinct or have not been scientifically described. The recent photo has sparked excitement among researchers, who are eager to investigate further. While it is still unclear whether the Tasmanian Tiger is truly extinct or not, the possibility of its survival is an exciting prospect for scientists and animal lovers alike.

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