A majority of the German population supports the introduction of a Covid-19 vaccination mandate. However, a recent report by the Bundestag suggests that legal obstacles may make it difficult to implement. Various organizations, including the Berlin Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians and the Professional Association of Pediatricians, have called for a general Covid-19 vaccination mandate for adults in Germany in recent weeks. According to the RTL/ntv trend barometer, a slim majority (53%) of the population also supports this idea.

The report by the Bundestag’s Scientific Service shows that a vaccination mandate would need to avoid various legal problems to be constitutionally valid. Additionally, the law would need to be regularly updated due to the dynamic nature of the pandemic and new scientific findings. The report suggests that those who have already recovered from Covid-19 should be exempt from the mandate, as they already have sufficient immunity. However, it is unclear how long immunity lasts after infection.

Other factors that would need to be considered in implementing a vaccination mandate include the current state of the pandemic, potential side effects and long-term consequences, and the willingness of the population to be vaccinated voluntarily. The report notes that unvaccinated individuals still play a significant role in the epidemiology of the disease. The decision to implement a mandate would depend on the proportionality between the intensity of the infringement on individual rights and the expected benefit for the overall population.

The report suggests that protecting the healthcare system, seniors, and vulnerable individuals, such as children and those in need of care, are legitimate reasons for implementing a vaccination mandate. However, a mandate cannot be introduced solely to protect vaccinated individuals, such as healthcare workers and teachers. Overall, while a majority of the population supports a vaccination mandate, legal and practical obstacles may make it difficult to implement.

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