A new study conducted by Robert W. Howarth of Cornell University has revealed that burning liquefied natural gas (LNG) instead of coal in Germany may not be as environmentally friendly as previously thought. Germany has turned to LNG imports from the US to address its energy crisis, with a significant portion of the imports coming from fracking. Howarth examined the entire supply chain of LNG and found that even in the best-case scenario, LNG produces higher emissions than coal. Methane leaks during the supply chain were identified as the main culprit for the high greenhouse gas emissions. Methane is a particularly harmful greenhouse gas, and even with the use of modern ships and the shortest transport routes, emissions are at least 24% higher than when using coal.

These findings highlight the importance of the entire process from extraction to end-use for electricity or heat generation in the environmental balance. The German Environmental Aid (DUH) believes that the latest research results increase pressure on the German government and the European Union to take action. A vote is imminent in Brussels on stricter regulations regarding methane emissions in the oil and gas industry. Howarth’s study has not yet been reviewed by other scientists, but the US magazine “The New Yorker” sees the researcher’s results as clear evidence of misleading climate policy by the US government. The significant expansion of LNG export capacity in the US, driven in part by strong demand from Germany, contradicts the US government’s measures against climate change.

The study’s results have significant implications for Germany’s energy policy and its reliance on LNG imports. The findings also underscore the need for a comprehensive approach to energy production and consumption that considers the entire supply chain’s environmental impact. As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of climate change, it is essential to prioritize sustainable energy solutions that minimize greenhouse gas emissions and promote a cleaner, healthier planet.

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