The lockdown in the spring had a significant impact on people with depression, and now psychiatrists fear that the current lockdown-light will exacerbate the situation. According to the Stiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe, more than five million people in Germany suffer from depression. The lockdown in the spring had a more significant impact on this group than on the general population. The treatment of every second depressive patient was significantly restricted during the lockdown, with hospital stays and doctor’s appointments being postponed or canceled. Ulrich Hegerl, the chairman of the foundation, expects similar effects for the current partial lockdown.

The lack of structure during the lockdown was particularly challenging for people with depression, with 75% of them suffering from it. In contrast, only 39% of the general population experienced this problem. The lockdown also caused additional conflicts and arguments for more than a third of the depressive study participants. In response to the lockdown, 48% of people with depression stayed in bed during the day, compared to 21% of the general population. These changes in behavior create a vicious circle, according to Hegerl. The lack of structure increases the risk of depressive people withdrawing further and their depression worsening due to long periods of bed rest.

Hegerl predicts that the current lockdown will have many negative effects on people with depression, as it will force them to retreat into their homes and leave them with more time to think. The psychiatrist explains that the lockdown can cause depressive people to sink deeper into depression. While telephone and video consultations, as well as online programs, are available, they are not always a viable alternative for many patients. The use of these options increased during the first lockdown, but they are not always effective for everyone. The current lockdown-light may exacerbate the situation for people with depression, and psychiatrists are concerned about the potential consequences.

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