The willingness to get vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 is particularly low in the eastern states of Germany. Overall, Germany’s vaccination readiness is below average compared to other European countries. Recent study results give hope that the first vaccinations against the new coronavirus could take place in Germany by the end of 2020. The Hamburg Center for Health Economics (HCHE) at the University of Hamburg has therefore examined the willingness to vaccinate in Germany and other European countries. More than 7,000 people from Germany, Denmark, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, and the UK were surveyed. According to the survey results, there are strong regional differences in vaccination readiness in Germany. The highest willingness to vaccinate is found in the northern states (63%), followed by the western states (57%) and the south (55%). The lowest willingness to vaccinate is in the new federal states (52%).

The survey also provides similar results for general vaccination readiness, which is most pronounced in the east (23%), while there are fewer vaccine opponents in the west (20%), south (18%), and north (15%). Compared to other European countries, vaccination readiness in Germany is relatively low (57%). Denmark (71%) and the UK (69%) have the highest willingness to vaccinate, while France (46%) has the lowest. The most common reasons for vaccination cited by the survey participants were to protect themselves (18%) and their families (16%) from infection. In addition, the subjects (13%) hope that a vaccination can end the corona restrictions. The most common reason against vaccination cited by the study participants were possible side effects.

The low vaccination readiness in Germany is a cause for concern, especially in light of the ongoing pandemic. The results of the survey highlight the need for targeted information campaigns to address concerns and increase willingness to vaccinate. It is important to emphasize the safety and effectiveness of vaccines and to address concerns about possible side effects. The success of vaccination programs depends on the willingness of the population to participate, and it is crucial to address concerns and increase confidence in vaccines to ensure their success.

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