China has developed a new type of magnetic levitation train that can float indefinitely without using any electricity. Traditional maglev trains use electromagnets to create a magnetic field that allows the train to glide above the track, but this requires a significant amount of energy. The new Red Rail maglev train, tested in the southern Chinese city of Xingguo, uses a different type of magnet that requires no energy to maintain the magnetic field. The train is suspended on arms beneath the track, which is elevated on pillars 10 meters above the ground. The Red Rail train currently has an 800-meter test track and can reach speeds of up to 80 km/h, but scientists plan to extend the track to 7.5 kilometers and increase the speed to 120 km/h.

The Red Rail maglev train is expected to be used primarily for local transportation, and it has several advantages over traditional subway systems. Not only does it use less energy, but it also has significantly lower construction costs. The magnets used in the Red Rail system are made with rare earth elements, including neodymium, which helps maintain the magnetic field for up to 100 years with only a 5% decrease in strength. China has been investing in the development of permanent magnets since 2001, which has made this new technology possible.

The Red Rail maglev train is a significant breakthrough in transportation technology, and it has the potential to revolutionize local transportation systems around the world. With its low energy consumption and construction costs, it could be an attractive option for cities looking to reduce their carbon footprint and improve their transportation infrastructure. As the technology continues to develop, it will be interesting to see how it is adopted and adapted in different parts of the world.

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