A majority of Germans are in favor of a general vaccination mandate for all, according to a recent survey conducted by RTL and ntv. The survey, which was conducted by the Forsa polling institute, asked around 1,000 people in Germany about their opinions on various measures during the Covid-19 pandemic. In August 2021, 53% of respondents were in favor of a general vaccination mandate, marking a significant shift from just a few months prior when only 33% were in favor.

The survey also revealed that there are strong regional and political differences in opinions on the matter. In the east of Germany, opinions were split evenly between those in favor and those against a mandate, while in the west, there were more supporters (53%) than opponents (45%). Additionally, supporters of the Union and SPD parties were most in favor of a mandate, while those who supported the Left and Alternative for Germany (AfD) parties were most opposed.

The survey also found that nearly three-quarters of respondents were in favor of a limited vaccination mandate for certain professions, such as teachers, daycare workers, and healthcare professionals. However, this was opposed by 63% of AfD supporters. These results are in line with a recent study that found that unvaccinated individuals in Germany tend to support right-wing parties.

Overall, the survey highlights the growing support for vaccination mandates in Germany, but also underscores the need for continued efforts to address regional and political differences in opinions on the matter.

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