A recent study conducted by the Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA) has revealed that an increasing number of Germans have a positive attitude towards vaccinations. The study, which surveyed 5,007 citizens between the ages of 16 and 85 from July to September 2021, found that 81% of the population believe that vaccinations are important or very important. This is a significant increase from 10 years ago when only 61% of the population held this view. The rise in positive attitudes towards vaccinations is largely attributed to the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to Prof. Dr. Martin Dietrich, the Acting Director of BZgA, vaccinations remain the best protection against infectious and severe diseases. He also welcomed the positive changes in people’s hygiene behavior, which can be seen as an important result of joint health communication efforts during the pandemic. The study also found that 87% of respondents consider adult vaccinations to be important or very important, including those recommended by the Ständige Impfkommission (STIKO) of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and Covid-19 vaccinations. Among the standard vaccinations, those against tetanus, polio, measles, rubella, and diphtheria were considered the most important.

The study also revealed that the population’s hygiene behavior has significantly changed in recent years. A majority of respondents (90%) believe that regular ventilation can prevent infections, compared to only 71% in 2019. Additionally, 87% of respondents know that infections can be prevented by avoiding physical contact during greetings, compared to only 67% in 2012. The BZgA will continue to focus on vaccination education and information on good hygiene practices to promote public health.

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