Male researchers report their own study results more positively than female scientists, leading to more citations and better career opportunities. Despite efforts to prevent gender bias in scientific publications, a study by researchers at the University of Mannheim found that a gender effect still exists. The study analyzed over six million articles in the fields of medicine and life sciences and found that male authors used 13% more positive framing language than female authors. This self-promotion leads to more citations and career advantages for male researchers, contributing to the underrepresentation of women in academia and science.

Scientific articles are meant to disseminate new research findings accurately and objectively. However, the study by researchers at the University of Mannheim found that male researchers tend to use more positive framing language in their articles than female researchers. Positive framing language includes words like “unique,” “promising,” and “groundbreaking,” which should be used sparingly in neutral studies. The study analyzed over six million articles in the fields of medicine and life sciences and found that male authors used 13% more positive framing language than female authors. This self-promotion leads to more citations and career advantages for male researchers, contributing to the underrepresentation of women in academia and science.

The study also found that male researchers receive more attention and citations for their work due to their self-promotion. Articles with positive framing language are cited 13% more often than those without, leading to more attention and career opportunities for male researchers. The study’s lead author, Marc Lerchenmüller, notes that “these gender differences in self-promotion could contribute to the underrepresentation of women in academic medicine and science.” The study highlights the importance of addressing gender bias in scientific publications and promoting equal opportunities for all researchers.

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