Mangos: The New Anti-Aging Solution?

Mangos, originally from the tropical rainforests of South Asia, have long been known for their medicinal properties. In India, they are even referred to as “God’s food” due to their healing effects on the body. While some of these properties have been scientifically proven, others remain untested. However, a recent pilot study conducted by the University of California in Davis and published in the journal Nutrients, has found that mangos can significantly reduce facial wrinkles caused by aging.

The study involved 28 postmenopausal women with skin types II and III, who were given either 85 or 250 grams of Ataulfo mangos, a variety grown in Mexico known for its high levels of beta-carotene, phenols, ascorbic and chlorogenic acids, protocatechuic acid, vanillin, gallic acid, and other carotenoids. The women were photographed at the beginning of the study, after eight weeks, and after 16 weeks, and their skin was analyzed using reflection spectroscopy to measure carotenoid levels. The results showed that the women who consumed 85 grams of mangos four times a week experienced a significant reduction in facial wrinkles after eight and 16 weeks. However, the group that consumed 250 grams of mangos experienced a worsening of existing deep and fine wrinkles, as well as the formation of new wrinkles.

While studies on mice have shown that Ataulfo mango extracts can reduce wrinkle formation by inhibiting epidermal thickening and promoting collagen bundle formation, this is the first study to show that the same effect can be achieved in humans. Further studies are needed to determine the mechanisms responsible for the mango’s effect on skin, but for now, it seems that adding a few slices of mango to your diet could be the new anti-aging solution.

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