A new study has found that a general mask mandate in public spaces significantly reduces SARS-CoV-2 infections. However, a complete lockdown of social life and the economy is even more effective, according to a computer simulation. Researchers at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, Canada, examined the impact of government-mandated mask-wearing on Covid-19 infection rates in 34 regions of the province of Ontario. They found that the mask mandate, introduced in July and August, reduced the number of diagnosed Covid-19 cases by 25 to 31 percent, depending on the region. Without the mandate, the researchers say there would have been a significant increase in new infections.

In some Canadian provinces, the number of new infections decreased by 36 to 46 percent, despite not all residents wearing masks in public. The study also found that even without strict enforcement, the proportion of people wearing masks increased by 30 percent. A nationwide mask mandate would have reduced the number of Covid-19 cases in Canada by 25 to 40 percent, according to a computer simulation. However, an even greater reduction in new infections would only be possible through a lockdown, which would require significant restrictions on social life and the economy, including retail, restaurants, and bars.

A similar study by researchers at the University of Mainz in Germany found that face masks reduced daily Covid-19 infections in the country by about 40 percent. While mask mandates are effective in reducing the spread of the virus, a complete lockdown remains the most effective measure. These findings highlight the importance of continued adherence to public health guidelines, including mask-wearing, to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

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