Mercedes Benz to Equip Future Models with App to Warn Drivers of High Crime Areas

Luxury cars are popular, unfortunately, not just among car enthusiasts but also among criminals. To address this issue, Mercedes Benz has announced that it will equip future vehicle models with an app that warns drivers of high crime areas. The app analyzes current crime statistics, and the results are displayed as a color code on the vehicle display. Markus Ehmann, a Mercedes software developer, explains that if the app shows green, the driver can park the car without worry. If it shows yellow, the driver can park but only as a last resort. However, if it shows red, the driver is warned to stay away from the area, not just with their car but also themselves. The Mercedes system will sound an alarm in red-marked regions, where car thefts, vandalism, assaults, robberies, and other crimes occur.

Initially, the vehicle app will only be available in limited areas upon its launch. The system will be tested in Seattle, USA, and Mercedes Benz has chosen the USA as the first country where the app will be available. According to a Mercedes Benz spokesperson, the app’s functionality depends on the availability of the latest crime statistics, which will be provided by the local police. Annual or monthly statistics would render the app useless.

Mercedes Benz’s decision to equip future models with an app that warns drivers of high crime areas is a significant step towards ensuring the safety of its customers. The app’s ability to analyze current crime statistics and provide drivers with real-time information will undoubtedly help prevent car thefts, vandalism, and other crimes. The app’s availability in the USA will be a welcome development for car owners who are concerned about their safety. Mercedes Benz’s innovative approach to vehicle safety is commendable, and it is hoped that other car manufacturers will follow suit.

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