A new implant has been developed that generates electricity from the movement of the stomach using a triboelectric nanogenerator. This implant can reduce the feeling of hunger controlled by the vagus nerve. In Germany, 59% of men and 37% of women suffer from obesity, while in the US, obesity has become the leading cause of death, affecting 40% of women, 35% of men, and 17% of children. Scientists at the University of Wisconsin in Madison have developed an alternative to gastric bypass surgery, which is a dangerous and irreversible procedure. The new implant manipulates the vagus nerve in the stomach with electrical impulses to suppress the feeling of hunger.

The vagus nerve is a signal bridge that exchanges signals of metabolism, sugar processing, and hunger between the body and the human brain through the nervous system. Previous implants in the US have been approved to suppress hunger through electrical impulses, leading to significant weight loss. However, these implants were complex, relatively large, and required regular battery replacement. The new implant is smaller and does not require a battery. Instead, it generates electricity from the movement of the stomach using a triboelectric nanogenerator, similar to a recently introduced pacemaker. The implant’s layers are compressed when the stomach stretches, and they separate when the stomach contracts, generating an electric current. The voltage pulse of 200 millivolts is then transmitted to the vagus nerve through two gold electrodes.

Animal experiments with rats showed that the new implant helps with weight loss and has no side effects. After 18 days, the average weight loss was 35%, and at the end of the twelve-week experiment, the average weight loss was 38%. The scientists concluded that “this demonstrates that effective weight control is possible with such smart, self-responsive systems.” They also emphasized that their implant is reversible, unlike gastric bypass surgery. However, further studies are needed before the implant can be approved for human use.

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