A new study by scientists at Nanjing University has found that contact lenses can release microplastic particles into the eyes when exposed to sunlight. The researchers analyzed six types of reusable contact lenses from different manufacturers and found that daily disposable lenses tended to release more microplastic particles than those designed for monthly use. The study, published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, also found that people who wear contact lenses for 10 hours a day could ingest an average of 90,000 microplastic particles per year. The health risks associated with microplastic ingestion are still unclear, but studies have shown that the particles can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause cell damage.

According to a study by the University of Victoria, people can ingest up to 200,000 microplastic particles per year, with a significant portion coming from fish and seafood as well as PET bottles. The new study by Nanjing University highlights the potential risks associated with contact lens use, particularly in strong sunlight. The researchers found that exposure to sunlight can cause microplastic particles to detach from the lenses and enter the eyes. The study also found that daily disposable lenses tended to release more microplastic particles than monthly lenses, suggesting that people who wear contact lenses for extended periods of time could be at greater risk of ingesting these particles.

While the health risks associated with microplastic ingestion are still unclear, studies have shown that the particles can cause cell damage and cross the blood-brain barrier. The authors of the study recommend that people avoid wearing contact lenses in strong sunlight to reduce the risk of ingesting microplastic particles. The study highlights the need for further research into the potential health risks associated with microplastic ingestion and the need for more sustainable alternatives to disposable contact lenses.

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