Chinese scientists from the University of Air Force in Xian have developed a metamaterial whose surface structure can be controlled through thought. Metamaterials are surfaces whose structure allows for the refraction and diffraction of electromagnetic radiation. The controllable meta-surface is made up of millimeter-sized rods whose orientation and shape can be changed with electrical signals. The researchers programmed their adaptable metamaterial to display four signals in four different patterns of reflection or absorption. The thoughts for controlling the dynamic surface are derived from an electrode placed outside the head that can read the electrical brain activity and transmit it to the control unit of the metamaterial. Algorithms then recognize the brain wave patterns to determine the user’s level of attention, and a control module sends one of the four signals to the meta-surface, which displays one of the predefined patterns.

The idea behind this technology is to control the electromagnetic response of a material directly through a user’s brain waves. The researchers believe that this principle can be extended to other thought-controlled functionalities, including smart sensors, 5G/6G communication, or even attention monitoring. In a practical test of the brain-material interface, the researchers positioned a test subject with electrodes in a room with radiation shielding. The metamaterial and a radiation source with a concentrated radio wave in the gigahertz range were vertically placed on a table. The researchers were able to determine the direction and strength of the meta-surface’s reflection of the radiation. When the subject concentrated on something, the refraction pattern of the meta-surface changed, and the measured reflection patterns were identical to the simulation from the model.

This breakthrough technology is a significant step forward in the field of brain-computer interfaces, allowing for the control of materials through thought. The potential applications of this technology are vast, from smart sensors to communication and attention monitoring. The researchers’ success in controlling the electromagnetic properties of a meta-surface through thought opens up new possibilities for the development of thought-controlled technologies.

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