Researchers at MIT have developed a headset that can be controlled by thoughts. The device, called AlterEgo, uses electric signals in facial muscles to interpret and convert them into speech. While it cannot read thoughts, it can understand texts that are spoken internally. AlterEgo can be used to control selected apps or smart home devices, as well as to have silent conversations with other headset wearers.

AlterEgo is a new speech recognition system developed by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that can be controlled by thoughts. The device uses electric signals in facial muscles that are interpreted and converted into speech by various sensors. AlterEgo cannot read thoughts, but it can understand texts that are spoken internally. The device is ideal for voice commands, such as controlling smart home devices, by simply saying the command internally. AlterEgo can interpret 92% of internally spoken words correctly, according to the researchers. The device does not have a microphone, as the sensors convert facial muscle movements into speech. AlterEgo also has a bone conduction headphone function that attaches to the lower jawbone, eliminating the need for speakers.

AlterEgo has a wide range of applications, including controlling smart home devices, using applications such as calculators or calendars, accessing web content, and even translating. The device can also be used as a communication tool. Two people wearing AlterEgo headsets can communicate silently with each other. The researchers assure that the device only understands intentional speech inputs, so there is no need to worry about accidentally transmitting private thoughts. The researchers are currently working to improve the accuracy of the device.

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