NASA Launches Free Streaming Service NASA+ Featuring Live Streams and Series on Space Missions

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has launched a new streaming service called NASA+, which will offer live streams of rocket launches and missions, as well as a collection of NASA video series. The service is part of NASA’s website update project, aimed at making the agency’s video content more accessible and organized. Currently, most of NASA’s video content is available on its official YouTube channel. NASA+ will also feature new series that explain the agency’s research and exploration programs to the general public.

As a government agency, NASA+ will be completely free and ad-free. The app and updated website are currently in beta testing and are set to be released in the summer of 2023. The service will be available on the app, website, Apple TV, and Amazon Fire TV. However, technical details such as whether the content will be available in 4K quality have not yet been announced.

NASA’s move to launch its own streaming service follows in the footsteps of SpaceX, which has been providing high-quality videos and live streams of its launches and progress on YouTube since its inception. In 2021, SpaceX collaborated with Netflix to produce the documentary series Countdown, which documented the first flight of space tourists in the Crew Dragon capsule from preparation to live stream of the launch and return.

NASA+ is a significant step forward in making NASA’s video content more accessible and organized for the general public. With the addition of live streams and new series, the service is sure to attract a wider audience and inspire more people to take an interest in space exploration.

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