The world is facing a dental crisis, with 3.5 billion people suffering from oral health problems due to high sugar consumption, poor oral hygiene, and irregular prophylactic treatments. According to a study published in The Lancet by experts from the University College London (UCL), the dental industry is in crisis. The study highlights the lack of oral hygiene and irregular prophylactic treatments as the main causes of dental problems. The focus of dental medicine is on treating acute problems, which is often too late. The most common dental problems include cavities, gum disease, periodontitis, and oral cancer. The problem is not limited to developing and emerging countries but also affects highly developed industrialized nations like Germany.

In Germany, up to a third of insured individuals do not regularly receive dental prophylactic treatments, according to a recent study by the Barmer health insurance company. The British researchers also attribute the poor dental care to the separation of dental medicine from the rest of the healthcare system. The lack of willingness to participate in prophylactic treatments is also a significant factor, especially among people from low-income backgrounds. The study shows that 11% of people between 18 and 59 years in Germany are considering private health insurance, while 19% are interested in additional insurance. The number of people with private health insurance has increased from 20% to 23% between 2013 and 2015, with dental insurance being the most popular.

The high sugar consumption is the main cause of dental problems, according to both the UCL and New York University researchers. Sports drinks, in particular, are harmful to teeth due to their high sugar and citric acid content. The researchers advise waiting at least 30 minutes after consuming such drinks before brushing teeth to avoid damaging the softened enamel. The dental crisis is a global issue that requires immediate attention to prevent further damage to oral health.

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