A groundbreaking new development in modern dentistry has been made by American researchers who have created a cream that can regenerate damaged tooth enamel. This could be a game-changer for those who suffer from weakened teeth due to enamel erosion. The protective layer of enamel is only about two millimeters thick and does not naturally regenerate, so scientists have been searching for a way to artificially regrow it for some time. The University of Washington researchers have developed a cream that can regrow natural tooth enamel, but it has only been tested in a laboratory setting so far. Clinical trials are expected to follow soon.

The researchers attempted to create a micro-layer of minerals on the tooth that would integrate completely into the molecular structure of the tooth. They were looking for a way to biometrically create tooth enamel material. In laboratory tests, they were successful in applying a solution of peptides to a slightly decayed tooth surface. Peptides are an organic chemical compound that contains amino acids. The application of the peptide solution to the decayed area resulted in the remineralization of the tooth enamel, effectively healing the affected area. The peptide solution used was proven to bind with the surface of the tooth and bind calcium and phosphate ions. Professor Mehmet Sarikaya believes that remineralization is a healthy alternative to traditional dental treatments.

However, Dr. Pantas, a specialist in modern dental treatments, is skeptical of the study’s findings. He believes that the American researchers are still far from introducing their product to the market and that their approach is not new. A Swiss company is already pursuing a similar approach and has already introduced its product to the market. Additionally, there is still a lack of scientific evidence to prove the effectiveness of these types of products. Dr. Pantas recommends the tried-and-true method of sealing and treating teeth with fluoride, which has been scientifically proven to be effective in numerous studies.

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