A wild animal was discovered in Brazil in 2021, resembling a dog but behaving more like a wild fox. The animal was severely injured in a car accident near Vacaria in southern Brazil and was taken to the animal clinic at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) by helpers. The staff at the clinic were initially unsure whether the shy young animal was a fox or a dog. However, a genetic examination revealed that the animal was a hybrid between a South American Pampas fox and a domestic dog. The animal possessed 76 chromosomes, while Pampas foxes have 74 and dogs have 78 chromosomes. This is the first confirmed case of this kind.

The animal, which was given various names including “Graxorra” and “Dogxim,” had physical characteristics of both a dog and a fox. Although it barked like a dog and had eyes and dark fur resembling a dog, its pointed ears and long snout indicated a different species. It also showed no interest in dog food, preferring small rats instead. The researchers conducted a genetic test, which confirmed that the animal was a hybrid between a Pampas fox and an unknown domestic dog. It is unclear whether the hybrid would have been able to reproduce, as it was sterilized during its stay at the clinic and died in March 2023 under unexplained circumstances at the state zoo where it was housed.

This discovery has sparked interest among scientists and animal lovers alike, as it raises questions about the possibility of other hybrid animals existing in the wild. While this particular hybrid may have been a unique case, it highlights the importance of genetic research in understanding the diversity of animal species and their potential for interbreeding. As more research is conducted, we may gain a better understanding of the complex relationships between different animal species and the impact of human activity on their habitats.

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