In the Pacific region of Colombia, one of the largest biodiversity hotspots on Earth, four extraordinary spider species have been discovered. The EAFIT University researchers focused on Mygalomorph spiders, including tarantulas, trapdoor spiders, funnel web spiders, and small spiders with minimal use of silk. These spiders are predatory, mostly terrestrial, and often have limited geographic distributions and high endemism rates. The researchers discovered four new spider species, including Ummidia solana, an exceptional trapdoor spider, and the tarantulas Euthycaelus cunampia, Neischnocolus mecana, and Melloina pacifica. These taxonomic breakthroughs represent the first documented cases of their respective genera in the region and expand their geographic distribution.

The Pacific region of Colombia, located in the heart of the Chocó Biogeographic Region, is one of the world’s largest biodiversity hotspots, yet it remains largely unexplored, particularly in terms of the diversity of spiders and insects living there. The researchers carefully illustrated, described, and scientifically discussed each species, providing valuable insights into their morphological characteristics, taxonomy, and biogeography. These findings contribute significantly to our understanding of the region’s biological diversity, known for its exceptional species richness and endemism.

Melloina pacifica, named after the Pacific region of Colombia where it lives, is the first described species of the genus Melloina in Colombia. Euthycaelus cunampia pays tribute to members of the indigenous community of the Tribut, who transitioned from hunting to becoming tourist guides for the JBP. Neischnocolus mecana, named after a community in Bahía Solano, highlights the commitment of the Jardín Botánico del Pacífico community to preserving the region’s rich biodiversity. These discoveries expand the known geographic distribution of each genus and provide valuable insights into the region’s unique spider diversity.

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