A recent study conducted by researchers at the University College London (UCL) has debunked the common stereotype that men who drive sports cars have small penises. The study, which was published in the preprint journal PsyArXiv, involved 200 male participants between the ages of 18 and 74. The researchers used a clever trick to get honest answers about penis size, as many men are known to be dishonest when asked about this sensitive topic. They told the participants that the study was about online shopping and asked them to rate their desire for certain products. However, they also included false information about the average penis size, with one group being told that the average penis size was 18 centimeters and the other group being told that it was 10 centimeters.

The results of the study showed that the group who were told that the average penis size was 18 centimeters rated sports cars as more desirable than the group who were told that the average penis size was 10 centimeters. However, the effect was more pronounced in participants over the age of 29. The researchers concluded that there is some truth to the stereotype that men buy sports cars to compensate for a small penis, but this effect was not observed with other luxury products such as expensive watches. The study provides valuable insights into the psychology of male behavior and the motivations behind certain purchases.

In conclusion, the study conducted by researchers at UCL has shed light on the stereotype that men who drive sports cars have small penises. The researchers used a clever trick to get honest answers about penis size and found that there is some truth to the stereotype, but only in certain age groups. The study provides valuable insights into the psychology of male behavior and the motivations behind certain purchases.

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