German researchers have discovered a new species of wasp in China with a peculiar behavior, adding to the list of known species. Michael Staab and his colleagues from the University of Freiburg found the previously unknown wasp species, which they named Deuteragenia ossarium, in the dense forests of southeastern China. The researchers published their findings in the scientific journal Plos One, detailing the new species and its unusual behavior during nest building. Unlike other wasp species, which leave the chambers near the entrance of the nest empty to protect their young, this new species fills those chambers with dead ants, potentially to deter predators.

The researchers observed that the dead ants effectively formed a protective barrier around the nest, reducing the likelihood of attacks on the wasp larvae. The scientists believe that the smell of the dead ants may be what deters predators, but this has not yet been confirmed. Additionally, the wasps showed a preference for filling the chambers with the Pachycondyla astuta ant species, which is known for its large size and aggressive behavior.

This discovery adds to the growing list of known wasp species and sheds light on the unique behaviors and adaptations of these insects. The researchers hope that further study of this new species will provide insights into the evolution and ecology of wasps and other insects.

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