News Environment

China aims for climate neutrality

China Aims to Build 450 GW of New Solar and Wind Energy Capacity in the Coming Years China has announced plans to build 450 GW

 News Geology

Digging Earth’s Deepest Hole for Energy

Quaise, a start-up company affiliated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), is planning to drill up to 20,000 meters into the earth to harness

 News Medicine

Cars more contaminated than toilets

Did you know that the average steering wheel in a car has 146 different types of bacteria living on it? That’s four times more bacteria

 News Medicine

Mobile Phones Don’t Increase Children’s Tumor Risk

A new study has found that mobile phone use does not increase the risk of tumors in children. Previous studies have primarily focused on adults,

 News Medicine

Why People Can’t Tolerate Bread

New research has challenged the long-held belief that wheat is the cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). IBS is a chronic condition that affects around

 News Medicine

Patch more effective than injection

A new vaccine patch has been found to be 11 times more effective against the Omicron variant of the coronavirus than the same vaccine administered

 News Environment

100% Renewable Energy Globally Achievable

The global energy system could be completely transformed to rely on wind, water, and solar power for a cost of $62 trillion, according to a

 News Technology

Compact Wind Turbines for Home

Polish start-up Panel Wiatrowy has developed a compact wind panel that can be used in urban areas to power homes. The use of wind power

 News Medicine

Stick-on Ultrasound Device Developed

Revolutionary Ultrasound Device Allows for High-Quality Long-Term Imaging of Human Organs In the field of medicine, ultrasound is one of the safest methods for non-invasive

 News Economics

Predicting Salaries in Job Ads

A groundbreaking development in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) has emerged from the Stanford Institute for Human Centered Artificial Intelligence (Stanford HAI) at