News Technology

Electric car that runs on CO?

The two-seater sports coupe Zem is removing CO? from the atmosphere while driving, making it carbon-neutral over its entire lifespan. Developed by scientists at the

 News Medicine

New migraine vaccine helps millions.

Millions of migraine sufferers may soon be able to live without their debilitating headaches. An international team of researchers has developed a new migraine vaccine

 News Technology

Spider Used as Robot Component

In a groundbreaking new development, researchers at Rice University have integrated a dead spider into a robot as a “biological material.” This new field of

 News Medicine

Life Expectancy in Germany Drops

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on life expectancy in Germany, with a notable difference between East and West Germany. According to data

 News Environment

100 Tons of Plastic Collected

A new global map of aridity has been created, providing high-resolution data on the dryness of individual regions. This information is particularly important for agriculture.

 News Medicine

Permanent Cure for Blood Disease

A groundbreaking gene therapy injection has successfully cured people with hemophilia, a genetic disorder that impairs the body’s ability to clot blood. Hemophilia patients lack

 News Medicine

GMO Pig Hearts Implanted in Brain-Dead Humans

In a groundbreaking medical achievement, two brain-dead individuals have successfully received genetically modified pig hearts through xenotransplantation. With a significant shortage of donor organs in

 News Economics

German Majority Supports Temporary Speed Limit

The majority of Germans are in favor of a temporary speed limit on highways due to the energy crisis. However, opinions vary depending on the

 News Environment

Sustainable Wood Fiber Beer Bottle

Danish brewery Carlsberg has developed a sustainable beer bottle made from wood fibers and plant-based plastic PEF. The eco-friendly packaging keeps beer cooler for longer

 News Technology

Wooden Battery for Electric Cars

Northvolt, a Swedish company founded by former Tesla managers in 2015, is developing a battery for electric cars based on lignin, a biopolymer found in