News Medicine

Alcohol and Neurodegeneration: A Connection?

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Oxford has found that even moderate alcohol consumption can negatively affect the brain. While excessive

 News Economics

Double the Price of Meat in Germany

The conventional agriculture industry in Germany is causing high externalized costs that are not reflected in the prices of food products. According to Hubert Heigl,

 News Environment

Deep sea more polluted with microplastics

The deep sea is even more contaminated with microplastics than previously thought, according to a study by the Senckenberg Society for Nature Research, the Goethe

 News Chemistry

Human Enzyme Breaks Down Plastic

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have found an enzyme in human saliva that can efficiently break down PET plastic into its basic components. While it

 News Medicine

Graphene tattoo monitors blood pressure.

A revolutionary new blood pressure monitor has been developed by scientists at the University of Texas and Texas A&M University. The device is an electronic

 News Technology

Algae Panels: Oxygen, Power, Biomass

Mexican start-up Greenfluidics has developed an algae panel for buildings that can produce oxygen, electricity, and biomass. Algae can remove significantly more CO2 from the

 News Medicine

Lab-grown blood transfused to humans.

In the UK, scientists from the University of Bristol and other research institutions are working on producing human blood in the laboratory as part of

 News Technology

Green Hydrogen Produced by Solar Module

A new solar module has set a world record for producing green hydrogen completely autonomously. Developed by scientists at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)

 News Chemistry

Efficient Hydrogen Battery Developed

A highly efficient hydrogen battery made from affordable materials has been developed by scientists at the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis (LIKAT) in Germany. The battery

 News Biology

1,000 Bacteria Species Found in Tibetan Glaciers

Chinese researchers have discovered numerous unknown bacteria in Tibetan glacier ice. Some of the microorganisms were subsequently cultivated in the laboratory for further analysis. Microbes