News Economics

Increased Drug Use from Cannabis Legalization?

A recent study has debunked the theory that legalizing cannabis leads to an increase in the consumption of other drugs. In the United States, many

 News Technology

China Launches Autonomous Carrier Ship

China has become the first country to launch an autonomous carrier ship for drones, as well as unmanned exploration and diving boats. The Zhu Hai

 News Biology

Do Chimpanzees Have Simple Language?

The vocal communication system of chimpanzees is much more complex than previously thought, potentially indicating that the intelligent primates possess a simple language. Researchers from

 News Chemistry

Plastic Waste vs CO? Emissions

A new CO2 absorber made from pyrolyzed plastic waste has been developed that can remove greenhouse gases from exhaust fumes in an energy-efficient and cost-effective

 News Biology

Genetic Experiment Creates Fighting Hamsters

A recent study conducted by the Georgia State University has shown that the gene-editing tool, Crispr/Cas9, does not always produce the desired results. The researchers

 News Economics

Cheap Food in Germany: A Problem

The high inflation rate in Germany has become a major concern for many citizens. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the economic impact of the

 News Technology

AI to Soon Surpass Humans

DeepMind, a subsidiary of Google, is currently developing a generalized AI that is expected to surpass human intelligence. According to Nando de Freitas, a leading

 News Biology

Does Breed Affect Dog Behavior?

A recent genetic study conducted in the United States has revealed that a dog’s breed has little to do with its temperament. According to researchers,

 News Medicine

Gaming boosts children’s intelligence

Video games have long been associated with negative effects on children, including increased aggression and decreased intelligence. However, a recent study by the Karolinska Institute

 News Medicine

Overestimation of IQ and Brain Size Relationship

A high IQ is often associated with a large brain, but a recent metastudy suggests that this correlation is greatly overestimated. While several studies have